
How Does The Bass Player Of Toby Mac Get The Sound For The Song Feel It

TobyMac - Feel It ft. TalkBox TobyMac. Unsubscribe from TobyMac? Cancel Unsubscribe. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 694K. Song Feel It; Artist. Can you end the song right there? No, because you want to hear how it ends. That’s the tension. When you get through singing “How I wonder what you are,” you feel a resolution to the tension, a sense of coming home. You can end the song there; in fact, that’s how it does end. The bassist plays an important role in creating and releasing tension.

It's hard to believe that next year will mark 30 years since DC Talk's debut album hit the shelves. Although much has changed in the music world, the man who put the 'talk' in that band's name has never ceased giving it his all. TobyMac, for all his playfulness and charisma, is a serious man about his faith and his musical mission, and The Elements may be his most mature effort to date. That's not to say that it's his most tuneful or energetic album, but it might be his most 'grown up' one. Starting off with the epic and atmospheric title track, TobyMac spits out a fierce rap about facing the world outside his door everyday, and lays down a great 'thesis statement' for the series of songs that follow. If you trace the 'going outside in the elements' idea through the songs, you see an interesting thought-line of the idea.

It is important to like your song Made to love says that we remember what we are here for not for us but for our loving Saviour and it is only by his grace we breath and live. I have two teenages and it is good to have music that has a good message in it for them to live there lives the way God would have them walking in his truth nots mans. I pray that will be what all Christian artists would seek to do, as it is really hard for our children in this world today to what it was not so long ago. May you know Gods blessing Ephesians ch 1 a great chapter to know whose we.

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